Sunday, August 3, 2008


We took a family trip to the zoo this weekend. It started out well - we renewed our zoo membership, strolled through the butterfly garden and aviary, walked past the fountain....and then she was out! Oh well - I guess someday we will actually make it to the animals! However, she was quite excited to see that her mom and dad didn't leave the zoo without picking her up a few souveniers from the giftshop to remember her first trip.We also picked up a couple of other fun tricks this weekend. We occasionally try to use all of our extremities to hold our bottle...

....and we have discovered how to stick our tongue out and blow bubbles! What a ham!!


Anonymous said...

You should call me when you go to the zoo, we'll hang out, check out the animals and stuff :-D

Dan and Kate plus Nate said...

If there was any question that Darren was Brooklyn's father, which there wasn't.....but.....that last picture for sure verifies it.