Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Brosnan is 4 months old!

Our little man is four months old today!  He is growing up so quickly!  Here are a few of his bear pictures…

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Look who has teeth!  I discovered a couple of little bottom teeth the other day when he chomped down on my hand. :)


I have a question.  Why do we even try to give kids baths?  It took about 4.5 seconds after we wrapped him in his towel for him to barf on himself.  Uggghhh……


I think Brooklyn is a little jealous of having to share the spotlight.  She definitely wants you to take her picture when you are taking pictures of her brother, but she has no desire to have pictures actually made with her brother.

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But then every now and then – I catch a moment like this.


Life with kids sure is certainly an adventure…

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…but I wouldn’t trade it for the world!

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