Sunday, October 10, 2010

Adventures in September

We had a lot of fun in September.  We went up North for Labor Day weekend with our friends, we went and spent the night in Midland and went to the Children’s Garden at Dow Gardens, and Brooklyn turned 2 1/2 and Brosnan turned 9 months!  Lots of fun! :)

Let’s start with Labor Day.  We returned for our biannual visit to Hubbard Lake to our friends’ cabin.  We love spending the long weekends here and the kids love playing together.  Six adults and 5, soon to be 6, kids = contained chaos. :)  The weather was a little rainy and windy, but we still had a great time.  We went to a huge arts and crafts festival and then traveled over a few miles to see the waters of Lake Huron.  Great friends, great food, great times!

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The kids played hide and seek.  Needless to say, they are still trying to master the concept.


Our favorite part…the kettle corn!!!!

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We had a little time to rest…


and then the next day we had breakfast at Big Boy and then we went downtown to Royal Oak for their new festival, Arts, Beats, & Eats.  Brooklyn loves Ferris wheels – don’t panic – I was holding on tight! :)

100_3123100_3126100_3129 100_3138 Maybe she will be a doctor…

100_3150…and maybe he will be a window-washer! :)

100_3158100_3159100_3160 Everyone likes Dora!


All together now…eeewwww!  Why do they even makes such things for babies??!!???


Brookie and her 2 1/2 year bear pictures!  She is so big, and so silly!


Brosnan is really enjoying his toys more these days, even if they are hand-me-downs from his sister.


The next weekend, we went up to Darren’s dad’s place in Midland.  It was good family time!

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The last little bit of September consisted of a little bit of this and that.  Brosnan turned 9 months old, Nana came to visit for a day, and Brooklyn showed her daddy how to vacuum.


Thumbs up on the rice krispie treats!


Brooklyn got her first really big bruise.  She tripped and fell outside of Olive Garden and managed to fall just far enough to bump her chin on the sidewalk.  Ouch!


Brosnan’s bear pictures are impossible!  After several attempts, I managed to get one decent shot!

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Now, believe or not, we are in the current month!!  Let’s see if I can get the events of October in before the end of October!! :)  Woohoo!

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