Thursday, February 24, 2011

Two and a half months later…Thanksgiving Part 2

Wow!!  Am I behind!?!  Let’s pick up where we left off. 

So…the next day, we kept Grandpa going and headed to the Butterfly House.  There were all sorts of bugs to look at and an indoor greenhouse to walk through with butterflies fluttering around everywhere.  I love butterfly gardens!!


After a small meltdown…I won’t mention any names…we found something to do that makes little girls very happy – The Carousel!!

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The next day was Thanksgiving day.  The first few days we were there the weather was great, and then this happened!!

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I managed to only snap one shot of everyone at the Thanksgiving table.  I promise that we do try to teach our kids table manners…


Brosnan did say his first word, other than Momma or Dadda…”Cheese”.  Apparently I take too many pictures of him! :)


The next day, or so, we just hung out around the house.  The last night we went for a drive through Jellystone Park and their Winter Wonderland light display.  Photos can’t really do it justice.

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We had a great time Grandpa and Grandma!  Thanks for letting us keep you busy for a week! :)     


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